Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The silver lining

Abortions, Vasectomies Increase as Economic Woes Continue

It may seem like an insensitive thing to say, but maybe there's a silver lining to this whole economic crisis after all. This is much like the protests that have erupted at the lavish homes of greedy AIG execs. For years the bastards have lived like fat cats, and now the public is raising a fist against them. Now, I'm not thrilled that capitalism has been dragging our nation down the economic shitter, and I do feel sorry for those parents who desired to have a child, but simply couldn't afford it (and kudos to them for making a decision to not bring a life into a poverty-struck home).

However, I think it's a good thing that the middle and working classes are rising up against the greedy fat cats and that people aren't bringing more into this overpopulated world.

We will emerge from this crisis a better nation, I think. I feel that the environment could benefit, as our (now competent) government turns to things like green energy and tougher economic policies. We could also see increased funding for contraception, which I feel is just as important in saving the environment as hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and solar panels. Such funding has been relatively stagnant over the past few years. It has not kept up with inflation at all.

Michael Moore once commented on the financial catastrophe, "What we're seeing is the end of capitalism, and good riddance to it! It hasn't helped the people and it hasn't helped the planet!"

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The founders of religion must have been intelligent

It is my belief that some of the founders of religion, like various rulers, were highly intelligent people. Especially the founders of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Think about it. These people created a mechanism that could control massive populations for millennia.

Furthermore, they devised an instrument that could silence anyone intelligent enough to figure this scam out. The increasingly loud voice of atheism is making more people abandon their faith than gain it. If this had happened in the early times, the scheme would topple and the people behind the scam would lose all control.

It was necessary, then, to convince the population that those who rejected the beliefs of the fabrication were somehow immoral or problematic to society, and that following in their footsteps would lead to an eternal punishment.

Why would such an instrument be used? I suppose there are two possibilities.

Perhaps it was the only way a government could work. Maybe populations rejected government unless they were convinced that there was a divine influence over them to submit to a government. The deceivers might have had good intentions, merely desiring peace and order in a population, and the scam just got out of control.

Another possibility is that they were simply bloodthirsty, murderous, thoughtless maniacs. Intelligent, but obviously not using it for the well-being of the human race. Given early human civilization, I would not be surprised if this was the case.

This is a scam that dupes people to this day, and it dupes them in large numbers. It's doing a damn good job of psychologically enslaving society. This is a scam by intelligent people - possibly without any moral compass - that has grown out of control.

The cost to humanity has been devastating.

It forces people to believe in objective morality (such belief is deadly) and to believe in imaginary things, which is delusional by definition.

Monday, March 23, 2009

God's "love"

"Why would a god create a person knowing he's going to Hell? Isn't that sadistic?" -FightingAtheist

VenomFangX, the most popular creationist on YouTube, has said "Forced love is basically rape, and God loves us too much to force us to love Him."

But I guess He just doesn't love us enough to not send us to Hell. Loves us too much to force us to love Him, but sorry, just not quite enough to not send us to His special place full of fire, smoke, torment, etc.

One of my biggest questions for theists, particularly Christians, is why did God knowingly create flawed (not sinless) human beings? He did this knowingly. The Bible says that God knows past, present, and future. Thus, when creating humans, He must have known that Adam and Eve would fuck up and eat from that tree. (And why the hell was that tree there to start with?). So, after knowingly creating humans that would slip up, He sends them to Hell and even regrets creating them. First of all, how does a perfect being like God create imperfect things like humans? And when he does this intentionally, why does it piss him off so much when people screw up, when he fucking knows they were going to?

It's like making a bomb and then getting pissed when it blows up after you light the fuse. Why the hell did you create the bomb and light the fuse, knowing it would blow up? If you knew it was going to detonate, even while you were creating it, why are you so pissed it detonated?

One student in this Bible class I'm forced to take even asked the professor why the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was planted in the Garden of Eden when God knew that Adam and Eve would eat from it. I was impressed that one of these brainwashed people even asked such a question. Well, this other student chimes in and says "Without choice there's no love." I assume he's referring to the love by humans for God. VenomFangX tells us that God "loves" us too much to force us to love Him, so that's why they had that choice.

So, let's recap. God creates humans and a tree they shouldn't eat from knowing they'll choose to eat from it. God "loves" them too much to not put the tree there and thus prevent the fall of man altogether. So, people are sent to Hell for their sin, which resulted from the original two humans created by a being that knew they were going to fuck over the human race while He was creating them. Remember, God loved us too much to just create us without flaws, but sends us to a place full of torture and anguish to suffer forever for these flaws that HE engineered into us.

If you're a sane person, there is a question coming to your mind right now:

What... the... fuck?

Can you see why this whole story just fails so hard? I mean, it's such bullshit. People who are brainwashed by this dogma really need to look into this shit. Many of them don't because it makes them feel like they're disobeying their (G)god in doing so. That fear has been psychologically indoctrinated into them in their childhood. How delightfully convenient for religions that any sort of logical thought is "temptation from the devil" and so forth. Well, what if it turns out the ancient Greeks were right and Zeus is who you should have been worshiping all along? Then you've completely disobeyed him already. People brought up in classical Greece would have been too frightened to think critically about Zeus because it created a fear of disobedience to do so. It's the same thing today with Yahweh (the Judeo-Christian God). You're too scared to think critically about this being because of your indoctrination. You need to start doing so. Once you stray from this indoctrination, you can recover from this delusion you've been forced to live in from childhood, and thus cease being a slave to religion.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring Break

Well I'm on break and, as promised, I am posting. My first spring break post is cheaply ripped from my MySpace blog...

Well I had to read The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald for my American Literature class. I just finished the book tonight. It's not a bad book. I still think that A Farewell to Arms by Hemingway kicks the shit out of all the other ones we've read, but this is possibly my second favorite. There is a passage near the end of the last chapter of the book that deals with the protagonist, living in an area he is not pleased with (New York), recalling what it was like to go home to Minnesota as a college kid on the train from Chicago.

When we pulled out into the winter night and the
real snow, our snow, began to stretch out beside us and twinkle against
the windows, and the dim lights of small Wisconsin stations moved by, a
sharp wild brace came suddenly into the air. We drew in deep breaths of
it as we walked back from dinner through the cold vestibules... That's
my Middle West - not the wheat or the prairies of lost Swede towns, but
the thrilling returning trains of my youth, and the street lamps and
sleigh bells in the frosty dark and the shadows of holly wreaths thrown
by lighted windows in the snow.

-F. Scott Fitzgerald
Great Gatsby, The
Chapter 9

Fitzgerald put this feeling of winter and going home in a way I never could. This is my favorite part of the entire book. That passage. I seriously was nearly bored with the reading until I got to that passage. My eyes widened and I was lost in it. It was truly moving. That, in my opinion, is great literature.

I am happy to be on spring break, free from the clutches of the south. Back in my nice, northern, somewhat progressive town (they voted for Obama, have to give them some props). I am anticipating winter (something I do a lot in warm weather), when I can layer up and play in the snow while freezing my ass off. Nothing like it. I should be a little more grateful for spring, I suppose. It gets me away from the south for a week and before long will let me get outside with a weed eater and have some fun (weed eating is a hobby for me).

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Manifestation of a Dangerous Institution

To avoid getting my balls sued off or getting kicked out, I will not disclose which college I'm attending. I will, however, discuss the events that take place here as well as some of my academic information (under FERPA, I can do that).

I do generally well here, though these gen eds I'm forced to take may change that, with me being forced to have conservative propaganda as well as religious dogma shoved down my throat in some classes. I was told I was supposed to have children at one point. It's essentially a big kid's bible camp. People look at me like I'm some kind of blasphemer (which is accurate) or as some kind of freak when I mention not desiring to put more polluting shit machines into the world. These southerners are conditioned from birth to reproduce and have families and all that rubbish, as if life depends on it almost. Any variation from that destroys their narrow paradigm (which scares the living shit out of them).

I honestly don't see why people got so pissy about Obama's mention of people clinging to guns and religion. I think he was absolutely correct. And I think his preacher had some wise words, too. This country WAS built on the backs of slaves. Sorry if you don't like that. It's true. I couldn't give a flying fuck about him or his preacher's "controversial" comments. They're probably what needs to be said in this country, anyway.

I'm getting sidetracked, though.

This place I'm forced to attend (pressured by parents, I'm also dirt poor and need the scholarship) claims to be all about morals, when it is in fact morally bankrupt. They're almost as morally bankrupt as the bible (if you read that carefully, you'll find it is VERY morally bankrupt).

I think one of it's greatest immoralities is in its students. These godly little Christian fundies are some of the biggest partiers I've seen in my life. I know of cases where they smuggle alcohol into their rooms. They treat women like they're lower in society, believing that they are merely for kitchen duty and making even more little conservative christian robots.

"You see they didn't always let girls in (workstation censored for privacy)... which is how I think it should be today..."

"This workstation's gone downhill because they've let girls work here."
--anonymous co-worker and schoolmate

"I want someone to keep my name."

"I wanna find me a tall girl so my kids will have a chance."
--anonymous schoolmate

Clearly, we don't see a whole hell of a lot of critical thinking on their part.

They even go as far as harassing and judging students who are "different" from others. There were a couple of outcast girls at my workstation one time. They were ridiculed behind their backs by some of the other workers for no reason - other than perhaps their appearance or simple unwillingness to socialize with others. These girls had not said two words to these people, yet they were ridiculed and scorned by them for mere insociability. There's some real christian love and acceptance for you.

Then there's immorality from the administration and school. The administration is corrupt as all hell. I have first hand experience of some students treated better than others merely because they had connections. This place claims to be a college for the poor, yet they accept students who drive new Mustangs and similar vehicles around campus. Student athletes here often get the nicer dorms. I don't think such corruption is a great way to get into heaven.

Unless of course you're a catholic priest. Then corruption is the only way to get into heaven. That and raping children.

Lest we forget the way they impose on students' private lives. This ranges from censorship all the way to fascist policies restricting personal freedoms. If you try to go to a website containing information they may not want you to see on your own computer in your own dorm room, they Websense it. That's right. You are censored on your very own computer. They are trying to create a generation of more little conservative religious consumers, and they're doing it by censoring what these students see. Utter moral bankruptcy.

We have curfews, and have to be in our residence hall four nights of the week. It is a must. It's almost like we're in the seventh grade again.

We are forced to attend classes that shove conservative propaganda down our throats, and are required to watch conservative gasbags cum themselves in an auditorium listening to their own voices.

It's mind control and it's restriction of freedom.

This does not even begin to show their extreme immoral and ultimately inhumane treatment of human beings. Nothing shows it more than the oppression that, several years ago, led a student to committing suicide in the garage of one of the administrators' homes by way of intentional carbon monoxide poisoning. After (probably) being pressured by his parents to attend this highly homophobic school, this gay student could not find reconciliation anywhere. He was told by one of the pastor "counselors" that since he had not had sex with another man, the gay community would not accept him. In his mind, the gays didn't like him, and these homophobic classmates of his did not like him either.

The homophobic administration and student body killed him. They did it indirectly, but they killed him, for nothing other than the fact that he was gay.

Even more sickening was the fact that none of the professors or students was to find out about it. They tried their best to keep this tragedy quiet. Why did they want to keep it quiet so desperately? It's almost as if they may have had something to do with his death. It may have had something to do with the fact that the homophobic attitudes they promote amongst themselves and students led this man to take his own life.

I guess someone's life has lesser value if they happen to be gay.

Somewhere with such little regard for human life and personal freedom is morally bankrupt in my book. Especially homophobic, fascist, oppressive institutes like this one. Religion is the root cause. Religion places higher value on some people than on others. Killing is okay sometimes (especially if the person in question believes in a different invisible man or no invisible man, or if the person is gay). Religion is manifested through oppressive churches, schools, organizations, and other bodies and perpetuates lies, dogma, and hatred through these manifestations. It is not as moral as it claims to be.

Religion is a dangerous institution. It destroys lives and it kills.

Life sucks and then you die

Some of the greatest questions us nonbelievers are faced with is "What happens to you when you die?" and "What is life for?"

These are tough questions, indeed. I'm something of a nihilist at times. I've often thought that life has no value. If there is no afterlife, it's not like we'll be punished, or on the flip side, rewarded, for what we've done in life, so what is the point in living? This question is almost impossible to answer without answering the other question "What happens to you when you die?"

I don't claim to be one hundred percent sure of anything. I would say I'm probably about 70-80 percent sure there isn't any sort of god or other supernatural being (I am what is called an "agnostic atheist"). Saying you're absolutely sure is bad science. I am, however, pretty sure, that once we die, that's it. We're dead. We're just gone. Our conscious ceases to exist and that's all. Oblivion. Nothing.

It's much like global warming. You have no clue how much I'd LOVE for global warming to just be a conspiracy by quack scientists. I WISH it was all bullshit, that it was a myth, and that my beloved winters were safe from extinction. I really wish I was wrong. The sad thing is, I (along with most scientific institutions) am not wrong.

I'd love to believe that after I die I get to live in paradise for all eternity. I really wish that was the case, but it's (most likely) not.

I suppose if you share some Buddhist beliefs you may think that perhaps we're reborn as someone else. If you share even more of these beliefs, what you are born as depends on how you lived your previous life. If you lived well, you may be born to live a happier life. If not, you may be born into a less fortunate life. This raises the question, though, of who determines how well you lived your life. If you don't believe in something to determine this, then it seems like it may be a groundless belief.

Many claim to have had what's called out of body experiences, in which their mind literally leaves their body and travels about. Perhaps this is what happens. Your conscious self is just left behind. There is no scientific evidence, though, for or against this.

Epicurus, one of the earliest skeptic thinkers, believed that death is something not to be feared, as it is the end of body and soul. I look at it like this: How can you suffer from nonexistence if you don't exist to suffer to begin with?

If you believe in an afterlife that is determined by how full your life was, or reincarnation, or simply fading into nonexistence, or whatever, one thing is certain: you have to live your life as best as you can.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Advantage of living in cold states (or Canada)

Hello. This is just one of those random posts. I won't get real pissy in this one. I'm just doing this for fun. These are the advantages of living in the cold states.

I will leave you with an amusing picture.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

More thunderf00t ownage

One of my favorites from the "Why do people laugh at creationists?" series from thunderf00t. We all owe a great debt of gratitude to "godless science".

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Why God can't get tenure

You may have seen this list before. Pretty funny.

1. Only published one book.
2. It was in Hebrew.
3. There is doubt He wrote it Himself.

4. When one experiment went awry, He tried to cover it up by drowning all the subjects.
5. When sample subjects do not behave as predicted, He deletes the whole sample
6. He rarely comes to class-just tells His students to read the Book.

7. It is rumored that He sometimes lets His Son teach the class.
8. Although He only has 10 requirements, His students often fail His tests.

9. He expelled His first two students for learning.
10. His office hours are infrequent and usually held on a mountain top.

Ownage: Thunderf00t

Watching creationists get destroyed is a joy to me. To see their ignorant beliefs destroyed in their faces is like this snowstorm in Maine. Absolutely beautiful.

Perhaps one of the best destroyers of creationism on YouTube is thunderf00t. Take a look at his "Why do people laugh at creationists?" series on his channel. He uses some undeniable scientific logic as well as gut-busting humor to destroy different creationists like the banned comment-censoring user VenomFangX and the tax fraudster Kent Hovind (who is serving a ten-year sentence in prison for tax fraud). It's kind of a shame those guys have been banned and jailed. Now we need to find new ways of entertainment. Nothing funnier than watching Hovind trying to use a science fiction book (the Bible) to back scientific arguments, which would never make it to the pages of any self-respecting scientific journal.

This is just sort of an introductory post. I call this blog the Vomit Bowl because when I see the unimaginable ignorance like what's seen in the United States (religious conservatism, nationalistic jingoism, etc.), I can't help but feel like throwing up.
