Saturday, May 30, 2009

Some recommended sites

Okay, it's not normally like me to spam my readers with other websites, but these are some websites that I would recommend to any free-thinking, rational person, one that despises the fascist takeover of America that's been happening for at the very least a century.

Skeptics Annotated Bible - an entire Internet Bible that won't gloss over those embarrassing verses like a preacher would (unless that preacher is Fred Phelps, of course).

Scott Bidstrup - if you would like to learn more about how evil this nation is, and the extent to which it is doomed to fascism, pay this place a visit. Under the "Patriot" Act, this man had his home illegally searched, his computer illegally stolen, and received death threats that he has traced to government IP addresses. He now lives in exile in Costa Rica.

Evil Bible - showcases just how evil the Bible is. And for those of you out there saying, "Well Jesus saved us from the stuff in the Old Testament", there is a page on there for you. The Old Testament is valid!

Bible Blunders - debunks many of the myths Christians like to spread about the Bible (such as the supposedly "fulfilled" Old Testament "prophecies").

League of Reason - a forum originally set up to combat censorship on YouTube, it is now an oasis for free thinking and reason. Share your ideas on this growing community.

Skeptical Science - takes each global warming denialist argument (noticed I didn't say "skeptic") and thoroughly destroys them. Sorry, but the science just isn't on your side, denialists.

"Lighthouses are more useful than churches."
-Benjamin Franklin (turns out it wasn't Jefferson who said that - my apologies)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's official...

...Iowa > California

California Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Gay Marriage

It is indeed an embarrassing day for Californians. This just has to be humiliating for them, knowing that some podunk state in the Midwest is more progressive than their state. Bill Maher even said, in his New Rules segment, "The California Supreme Court better get hip before Hollywood moves out to Des Moines."

I actually spent all last weekend in Iowa. I loved every minute of it. Of course, I wasn't in total bliss since it wasn't winter, but it was still awesome. Never saw a single Arkansas license plate. Mostly Obama bumper stickers (as well as other liberal bumper stickers). It was a real paradise, "my friends" (in the words of the illustrious John McCain).

I've always thought Iowa, indeed the Midwest, was better than California. I like the weather a lot more, I even like the people a little better. Real estate is certainly more affordable (although that may change with Californians abandoning the expensive real estate out there and heading back to the heartland). But now, it's official. California flat out sucks. The weather sucks, the politics suck, their Lexus-driving Bourgeois snobs suck, it's just a shitty state altogether.

Oh well. Sucks for them.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Pat Robertson: Shameless asshole, douchebag, prick, etc.

I make no apology in calling Pat Robertson a shameless old dickhead. Robertson would be a field man in Satan's army, if Satan was real. Pat Robertson, and others like him, are people that bring nations down. Sinclair Lewis once said that when fascism arrives in America, it will be wrapped in a flag and holding a cross.

These dangerous individuals need to be called out on their obnoxious, anti-progressive behavior. They are a greater threat to our country than radical Islam. Indeed, Christian conservatives are the radical Muslims of the west.

I have many reasons for labeling Pat Robertson a shameless asshole, douchebag, prick, etc.

For one, he is insensitive. This old, bigoted buffoon remorselessly stated that Americans deserved what they got on 9/11, and even said that we should expect worse. Here is the video. Watch that video carefully. You can almost detect the anticipation in Falwell's (the fat dickhead) voice when he says that 9/11 could be small compared to "what's to come". These idiots want terrorist attacks in our country, and are glad 9/11 happened. Make no mistake. They want terrorist attacks on our country. They never explicitly state it, but you can tell by Falwell's comments on more "punishment" that awaits us, because it would serve this country full of filthy fags and abortion doctors right!

He is simply out of touch with reality, as are many so-called "pro-lifers". A family that is barely able to feed itself means nothing to this old windbag, but fetuses are absolutely sacred! I'd love to see this guy raise a family on minimum wage, and then discover his wife is pregnant with another one. I wouldn't be surprised if he intimidated the woman into getting the pregnancy terminated, for reasons I will explain later. Doctors that would perform this procedure, to him, deserve some of the blame for 9/11.

He is clearly homophobic. You can hear the animosity in his voice when he mentions gays in that video to which I've linked. He says "gays", but the tone of his voice says, "filthy, degenerate beasts".

He is a shameless asshole, douchebag, prick, and many other things!

Robertson is bigoted, without question. He is a homophobic bigot, but also a sexist bigot. Pro-life men want to control women. It's that simple. They're not "protecting sacred life" or anything like that. Don't buy that line of bullshit for even a second. This man's greed, combined with his clear sentiment against women, is why I believe he would intimidate his wife (with no regard for her feelings) into having an abortion if he was raising a family on minimum wage. Many sexist pro-lifers are like this. Many of them would simply not care about their wives' feelings on their pregnancy if they themselves were trying to support a family with little income. They would probably want her aborted as soon as possible!

If men could get pregnant, abortion probably would not even be a legal issue.

This shameless old asshole, douchebag, and prick has animosity toward gays, women, and nonbelievers as well. This video demonstrates very well how fundamentalism destroys relationships. Listen to this dick when he tells a caller that she should break the engagement with her fiance, because he doesn't worship the ancient bronze age god of the desert. Again, you can detect the contempt in his voice when he discusses this slimy, nonbelieving animal.

This kind of backwards thinking is very dangerous for a country. It slows scientific and social progress. Much like radical Islam, which has served as an inhibitor of progress in the Middle East, it can serve as a progress inhibitor in the States. Yes, this is a serious issue. It has inhibited progress in America, and in some ways, still does. Look at the various state abortion laws, which endanger women's health (e.g. laws requiring parental consent for out of state abortions). Look at the legislation against gays in several states (*coughs* Prop 8). I spend much of the year in an area that is ill with this kind of counterproductive thought. Spend some time in the American Jesusland and you will see firsthand how dangerous this line of thought is. Some states allow pharmacists to patronize teenage girls requesting birth control (because letting them get pregnant with a child they can't care for is so much better). Have you ever seen something so demonstrably stupid in America that it makes you facepalm and say, "How can this happen? It's the 21st century!"? That is the work of people like Pat Robertson!

We have to ensure, through any means possible, to call people like Pat Robertson out on their bullshit. This will ensure their toxic rhetoric doesn't poison American policy (at least not to a severe degree). If we sit and let these snakes slither into the political system without resistance, we can suffer the same fate as countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia, with little regard for scientific achievement and no concern for social progress.

Robertson's naked homophobia:
Pat Robertson being himself

This dipshit can't keep his foot out of his mouth!
Pat Robertson Controversies

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Debunking Pascal's Wager

One thing that made me hold my beliefs for as long as I did was Pascal's Wager. This is the idea that one should believe in god just to "be safe". If you believe and it turns out there isn't a god, then the worst that happens is you simply die. But if you don't believe and there is, the result is pretty severe. Therefore, it's better to believe and be wrong than it is to not believe and be wrong.

Well, there are numerous reasons this argument fails.

It ignores other heavens and hells, for one thing. What if you kick the bucket and Muhammad is standing at the pearly gates (and you're a Christian). Then you and atheists are both going to hell, but at least the atheists got to sleep in on Sundays.

Besides, there are over 30,000 denominations of Christianity, each claiming to be the "correct" one. What if you have the wrong denomination? What if it turns out the Mormons are the ones that got it right, and you're a reformed Calvinist or something like that? Even as a Christian, you've only got one chance in about 30,000 of entering heaven.

Hell's got quite the history behind it, actually. What if I told you that it is never mentioned in the Old Testament? In an accurate Bible translation, it never appears in the Old Testament. Ever. The King James Version of the Bible actually mistranslates the word "Sheol" into hell. Sheol, in Hebrew, is simply "the grave". This essentially means you die, you stay dead, that's it. Sheol is simply the resting place of the dead, righteous or otherwise.

The ancient Hebrews had no concept of hell. Hell is never mentioned, in its current understanding, until the New Testament, and it is believed that it only appears in the NT because of Sheol's mistranslation in the OT.

Hell is never mentioned, in any translation of the Bible, in Mosaic Law (that is - the first five books of the OT). Mosaic Law only deals with curses and blessings in this lifetime, not in the life to come. Now, you'd think God would have told his covenant people about a place like Hell. You'd think it would have been mentioned to Adam and Eve, or at least to folks like Abraham and Moses, but in is never mentioned to them.

So, the question is, where did Hell come from?

Well, like many other things in Christianity, the concept of Hell is plagiarized from paganism. The Greeks, for instance, believed in the underworld, where all the dead went, righteous or otherwise, to simply rest. No eternal torture. Around Jerusalem, many pagans did child sacrifices in a trash dump called Gehenna, where these children were burned alive in a sacrifice to Baal. It was the valley where the dead burned. Sounds familiar, huh?

Hell is merely an appeal to fear. In the early Catholic church, many people were not allowed into the church unless they believed that some would be in torment forever in Hell. Hell was used, originally, as a tactic for people to give the church money. Money to be kept from Hell. Hell is a scam.

There are actually Christians that don't believe in the existence of hell, and for good reason.

I would like to address the fence sitters at this point. Those of you who are beginning to think of throwing off those chains of religion forever. I implore you, all of you, to throw those shackles down. The natural world isn't so bad, guys. You get to go to bed without having to talk to the air, you can sleep in on Sundays, you can have all the sex you want (safely, of course), the list goes on. You are good people. There are many good people out there who could be at their full potential if they didn't have the religion monkey on their backs. Let's remove ourselves from the stocks of religion and become a healthy species!


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Climate change fucks over California

The Santa Barbara wildfire in California that has already led to more than thirty thousand being evacuated can be easily linked to climate change.

California has been experiencing a drought for three years as of 2009. LLNL scientists have stated that this drought has the fingerprints of climate change all over it. Climate change has our fingerprints all over it. To say it does not, at this point, is a denial of reality.

I've been following the issue of climate change fairly closely for about two or three years. I am very passionate about this issue, because it really hits home for me. Read my profile to understand why.

I am not really a scientist. I am merely a sophomore chemistry major. I haven't really done any sort of independent research, and I haven't written a dissertation on climate change. But I have researched this issue very heavily. I used to be a climate change denier, and I researched the hell out of it so I could prove that it wasn't happening, or if it was, that we weren't causing it. In doing so, I converted to a global warming activist.

The folks on the hill have done everything they can to put a media smokescreen over the research that has been done by scientists supporting climate change. These Bourgeois bastards will not willingly pay up for the damage they've been doing, or have duped us all with these "carbon trade" schemes to alleviate guilt.

In capitalist society, this issue cannot be solved. Period. The free market system only cares about what is profitable, not what is best for the environment or for the people. It doesn't matter how many species go extinct or how many people lose their homes, what makes money is what's best.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A spectre is haunting midwest conservatives

Weep and wail, you back asswards ignoramuses that are tarnishing the Midwest's image! Weep and wail! Your destruction is imminent!

Homophobic conservatives just received a political BITCH SLAP recently as Iowa, yes, Iowa recently legislated protection of gay marriage (I realize this is old news). Yes, IOWA! Easily one of my favorite states. It's cold, it's rural, and I love that. But it was a blue state in the last election and it has allowed tolerance within its borders! Tolerant and progressive Iowa! Yes! I have yet another reason to be proud of one of my favorite states. Hats off to you, Iowa courts!

There seems to be a wave of blue washing across this red heartland. Non violent political revolution is in the air. I can smell it. Oh, how sweet it is.

Don't believe that it's happening in the Midwest so far? Well here's some more information. As of 2008, Rock Port, Missouri was the first town in the nation to run entirely on wind energy. Wind farms are popping up all over Iowa and Kansas, too.

Again I say, weep you Midwest conservatives. Your tears are sweet. The sound of your crying is music.

Iowa's history of awesomeness

Monday, May 4, 2009

A Little Information on Communism

There is one thing that needs to be made clear in today's world about communism. There is a misconception in our modern American society that the Soviet Union under Stalin was a communist government. The truth is: IT WAS NOT. This nation was under the oppressive thumb of a totalitarian bureaucracy, NOT a communist government! In fact, Joseph Stalin had Marxists and other advocates of true communism in his country exterminated. Joseph Stalin was an oppressive dictator, not a communist leader.

Capitalists love this misconception, and it's one that keeps many in this country terrified of the word communism to this day. Communism's negative connotation is rooted at this mistake.

The world has never seen a real communism, and it won't until these oppressive control instruments keeping our species divided (e.g. patriotism, religion) collapse. It doesn't help that the United States government has been doing a fantastic job of assassinating and overthrowing democratically elected rulers in Latin America who were communists. This has caused turmoil and rough relations in Latin America to this day: drug lords, illegal immigration, etc... we are reaping what we have sewn!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Specter and Franken, Perry and Palin

Trickle-down economics work perfectly
(if you've been in a coma for the past 30 years)

Arlen Specter has made the wise decision of joining the Democrats. I had wondered why he had stayed with the Republicans for such a long time. He was one of the few pro-choice Republicans, and sided with the Democrats on many other issues. The GOP is a sinking ship, and Specter has wisely abandoned the pedophiles, warmongers, and all out fascists on that doomed vessel. He, like many former Republicans (and other conservatives), has hopped aboard the life boat of science, progress, and the abandonment of failed "Reaganomics".

This switch is very critical, as it puts the Democrats one seat away from having the entire legislative branch under their thumb. If Al Franken gets the Senate seat he's after, the Democrats will be completely immune to Republican filibusters.

I've also recently learned that Obama has a Supreme Court vacancy on his hands. This could potentially give progressives control of the Judicial Branch as well (which is crucial if some capitalist pig decides to litigate against a policy he doesn't like).

Progressive America is extremely close to having all three branches of government.

Oh their God... just imagine a progressive America. An America that is finally caught up with other civilized nations. Just sit and think about the diseases that can be cured, the environmental problems that can be solved (climate change), workers rights, the eventual destruction of the Bourgeois. We can finally become an atheist state like we were meant to be.

Final thoughts.

Rick Perry, the governor of Texas, and Sarah Palin, the bitch governing Alaska, have hinted at secession in response to Obama's so-called "big government" administration. Big fucking deal, I say. Please, secede! Good riddance to them!

If the red states left the union, they would remove science and reason from their government agenda. They would become a third world country in a matter of decades. A real third world nation. (I see America as a civilized third world nation right now, since we have a third world economy and health care system).

Good riddance to Texas, Alaska, and whatever other Jesusland states that decide to leave. Good fucking riddance.
