Friday, July 31, 2009

Whiny ass communist liberals

This is a list of things all of those whiny commie liberals are making us THINK they've done for America with their MIND TRICKS! See, these LIBERALS are trying to make it LOOK like they're helping America, which is untrue. Everyone (by everyone I mean the good, decent people at Focus on the Family) knows it's us good Christian conservatives that help America. Don't fall for these liberal tricks!

  • No funding for abstinence-only sex education - Barack Obama
  • 127 billion dollar budget surplus - Bill Clinton
  • Sex education that has prevented unplanned pregnancies and abortions - Planned Parenthood, ACLU, etc.
  • Clean drinking water - EPA
  • Safe food and drugs - FDA
  • End of McCarthy raids - ACLU
  • Protection of women's health - Roe v. Wade
  • Civil rights - Martin Luther King, Jr., John F. Kennedy, NAACP
  • Retirement - Social Security
  • Women's suffrage - loudmouth feminists who should make their husbands a sandwich
  • End of the Depression - FDR
  • 40 hour work week, child labor laws, overtime, benefits - AFL-CIO, other labor unions
  • Liberation of slaves - Abraham Lincoln, abolitionists, northern (blue) states
  • First woman to practice law - Iowa, 1860s (Iowa's turning into a shitty blue state)
These LIBERALS are just helping America to make themselves look good! It's a conspiracy! They must be stopped. Us good, hard working, Jesus-loving conservatives need to band together to make this country shitty to counter this LIBERAL conspiracy of making this country better!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What do I believe in?

I've reached an interesting conclusion recently. It's that atheism is a word that should not even be used. We do not define people by what they don't believe. You wouldn't call a Christian a non-Jew. Calling them a non-Jew is logically accurate, but it's senseless to call them that. That really doesn't tell us what they DO believe. Similarly, calling someone an atheist really doesn't give us an idea of what they do believe. Sure, it tells us they don't believe in any sort of deity, but it doesn't give us any idea what they do believe.

So what sort of things do I believe in? I believe in several things. I don't blindly worship a deity, but I have beliefs. What are these beliefs?

I believe in scientific progress. This means teaching science in science classes, not fantasy like creationism. Creationism will never make it to any peer-reviewed journal because there is no evidence for it. I believe in using physical evidence to explain things. A "feeling" is not physical evidence. The fact that you believe it does not make it true.

I believe in social progress and change. I believe in the benefit of society, the collective good. This does not mean the good of a few fat cats at AIG. I believe in the good of everyone, and that everyone has rights, even criminals, even the poor, even the disabled.

I believe in families, any families. Families by blood, families by adoption, or even a network of close friends. I believe that everyone has a right to have a family, not just heterosexual couples with their kids and their dog Spot. Everyone should be able to turn to the comfort of a family, gay or straight, by blood or adoption, with relatives or close friends.

I am a believer in morality. This means understanding that values are subjective. An understanding for one another's values is morally right. I believe that morality is measured not by tradition or dogmas, but by how well we treat our fellow man. A crusty, old alcoholic with a potty mouth who shows compassion and kindness for others is more moral than a virgin teetotaler priest who hates homosexuals and non-Christians. He may adhere to stronger traditions than the alcoholic, but he is still morally bankrupt because of his irrational resentment for people who like others with similar body parts.

I don't know what sort of word would summarize those beliefs. Maybe people could consider me a "secular humanist" or something like that. Calling me a liberal is certainly accurate. I simply believe in rational logic, and goodwill to others. I reject deities, but very strongly believe in progress and morality.