Monday, November 22, 2010

Hats off to the Iowa Supreme Court

Well, three Iowa Supreme Court justices have been voted out in this last election. I'd be willing to bet their stance for equal rights back when they overturned the state's gay marriage ban had a lot to do with it. I doubt they'll ever see this, but I congratulate them on making a stand for equality at the cost of their positions. I'm confident that public opinion on this issue is going to shift very soon and more Americans will support equality, just as more Americans today support the rights of women and minorities today (even though they did not 100 years ago).

Soon, Proposition 8 will go to the Supreme Court, and I'm fairly certain that they will follow Vaughn Walker's ruling and overturn the ban as well (Walker explained very clearly why the act is unconstitutional in the 136-page ruling - it's excellent reading if you're interested).

In the grand scheme of things, the bigots really shot themselves in the foot with that Prop 8 bullshit. Once the Supreme Court gets ahold of it, and it is righteously struck down, all gay marriage bans nationwide are void. So, go fuck yourselves, you dumb assholes.

Iowa SC judges voted out

Why Prop 8 will probably go down in the Supreme Court
Watch the first part of the series, too, if you have time. It's a very interesting couple of videos

Apologies for any typos. I'll fix them later.