Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Concluding remarks

Well I just finished Revelation, the last book of the horrendous christian scripture. I must say, it does a nice job of concluding a book where it seems like every other word is DEATH or KILL or DIE or ANGER or WRATH or something similar. Seriously, I wonder what kind of anger issues these bronze age men had.

I really loved chapter 14, where it talks about how unbelievers will be tormented in burning sulfur in the face of this loving god, who will smell the sweet aroma of the smoke off their burning flesh, that will rise forever and ever (it's in there, see for yourself).

Seriously, how the FUCK do people buy into this shit? Who is the sick motherfucker that made this crap up??

I am regretful that my first nineteen years of life were spent with this crucifix-shaped dick up my ass. My pity goes out to the people who believe the shit in this book.


Time to rip a new asshole

I was on Facebook the other day looking through peoples' profiles at my college, and I saw something on a fellow student's profile that made me so mad I was tempted to send him a private message telling him how much of an ignorant, bigoted asshole he is.

Under his favorite quotations he had some misrepresented Stephen Colbert quote: "Atheism is a religion for people full of themselves" or some stupid shit like that.

Okay, even if Stephen Colbert really did say that, he was making fun of the religious bigots that make up the christian right. He acts like an egotistical conservative because he's making fun of them, jackass! He was making fun of people like the dumbass who put his quote on his Facebook page to make it look like something Colbert was being serious about.

Conservatives are so goddamn stupid. They don't even recognize when they're being made fun of. Someone could mock them and they would laugh about it because they'd think the person mocking them was being serious.

By the way, this dumbass fully intended the quote to represent his narrow, bigoted worldview. He boasts about being very conservative on his profile and has a bunch of shit on there where he basically sucks his god's dick like a good little ignorant, religious drone.

He fully meant to misrepresent Colbert's quote. If he seriously thought that Colbert was being serious when (and IF) he made that statement, then it shows how much this particular cocksucker doesn't understand satire and also shows that he idolizes people that sound as stupid as Colbert pretends to be. If he was fully aware that Colbert was being satirical, then he knew he was misrepresenting Colbert's quote in an attempt to quote mine for his ignorant, dogmatic cause.

It's not only crap because he misrepresented one of the funniest people in television, but also because he labels atheism as a religion (which is a complete mislabeling of a philosophy) and also because he labels all atheists as self-absorbed people.

Atheism is about as much of a religion as not collecting stamps is a hobby. Calling it a religion is an insult. Religions are superstitions and beliefs which have no evidence to support them.

He's also being repulsive in doing this because it is just plain hate. Religious bigotry. It's like getting on Facebook and saying something like, "All Jews have big noses" or something dumb like that. Sure, there are self-absorbed atheists. Just like there are self-absorbed christians and jews and whatever else. Atheism is NOT a necessary condition of self absorption. The converse is not true either. Making such a claim is full-blown irrational hatred. There's no other way to put it. It's religious bigotry.

So, this is just my "suck my balls" to dumbasses like this person who, because they can't convince intelligent people to follow their dogmatic views, quote mine and misrepresent for their cause. May the imaginary god help us if these people ever gain control of our government.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Why am I here?

If I end up hating my college years, it will be a debt I pay for the rest of my life.

There is a building on this campus. In that building is an auditorium, with some wood text above the stage that reads, "Why come ye here?"

Fuck if I know.

It is certainly worth asking. What is a communist atheist doing at a conservative christian institution? Especially one in the south, when this particular communist HATES warm weather. What the fuck is he doing there?

The answer isn't very simple. There are a number of things that contributed to me sentencing myself to this hell. You will read later that it really wasn't a self-imposed sentence. At least not entirely. I can humbly admit that I made a very foolish mistake in choosing this institution. I encourage all of the college-bound high schoolers out there to not come within one hundred yards of the campus. Ever. I don't care if you're the poorest student on earth. There is federal and state aid out there for you. Obama plans to make FAFSAs easier to fill out. THERE ARE BETTER WAYS, people!

So, here are the reasons why I am trapped in this hell hole:

  1. I was duped by the road show. The college put on a very good show for me when I was still looking around, as a naive high school student, at different campuses. It is worth noting that I made the extremely foolish mistake of not checking out other campuses. I had a few colleges in mind, but this one was the only one I actually toured. There were some external factors contributing to this, and I will explain those later.
  2. At the time, I was a fairly devout christian. I was a liberal, but a christian. I liked the idea of being surrounded by other christians (little did I know that such a thing is a living nightmare).
  3. Pressure. This was perhaps the greatest influence of me attending this institution. Nearly all of my relatives want me to be here. They don't want me to have to pay off student loans after I graduate, which is understandable. However, if I end up hating my college years, it will be a debt I pay for the rest of my life. I will have to live my life knowing my college years were four years of hell. I would rather pay off student loans. I could actually have most of my tuition paid off at any state university with federal and state aid, according to my SAR.

    My mom and my grandmother have been harping at me to stay at this hell since I started to really hate it last semester. I swear, this college could instate a rule that says all male students have to have their balls chopped off, and my grandmother would say, "Well... you don't need your testicles that bad, do you?" I wouldn't be surprised at all. Any time I've mentioned transferring to another school they get very defensive. I told my mom that if I win the lottery my ass is going somewhere else, and she just asks "Why?" in spite of me having told her that I think this place is a shithole who knows how many times. She just tells me, "Oh, it's a good school" and all that nonsense. The truth is, most businesses outside the Midwest don't even know this place exists.

    My grandparents took me to this campus when I was a high school senior (with the obvious motive of convincing me to go here). They spent most of the tour pointing out all the "nice things" about the campus. It was a regular festival of bullshit.

    I do have one supportive relative though, and that is my aunt. She is currently the only relative I have who knows I'm not a christian, and is in college herself. She has told me that, from the accounts of this hell I've given her, that she could not survive in a place like this. She would not blame me for transferring.
I kick myself in the ass to this day for ever setting foot on this campus. I wish I never applied to go here. I seriously do. I always ask myself what the hell I was thinking. It's easily one of the most foolish mistakes I've made in my lifetime. I get one life, and four years of it will be consumed by this ship of rats.

I had something lined up at this place up north. There were scholarships available. I had the government aid to do it, and I turned it down like a fool. I can't believe it. I now make it a point to tell as many college-bound students as I can to STAY AWAY. I don't want to see people making this mistake.

There is a chance I can escape after next year. I know a place up north I'd go to. WAY up north, close to Iowa. My ideal weather (well, Maine or Minnesota is more ideal for me, but it's certainly better than shitty south Missouri). If I can get the financial aid again, and maybe some private scholarships, I might be able to pull it off. I hope so. I've got one life. It's got VALUE. If something in it sucks, I need to fucking change it! That's part of being a human.


Saturday, April 25, 2009


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Find this and more ASCII art at ASCII-Art.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Just some updates, then a little on the economy

I'll just do a quick update on things in my own life then move on. I've developed a taste for movie soundtracks recently. Thomas Newman has some good shit, for example. It's terrific music, both for working and relaxation. I'm not too fond of "weird" film soundtracks, like what you see in cheesy seventies horror movies. I really like the dramatic/epic stuff though.

We've been doing persuasive speeches in my public speaking class. One of my friends in there, who has close to the same political views as me, and I joked that we were going to play a game in there: we would bring some hard liquor to the room, and every time someone did a speech about Obama, we'd do a shot. Of course we were joking. I'm a teetotaler myself, and I think he is, too. I figured if we did play this game, we would die of alcohol overdose.

Much to my surprise, though, they actually gave speeches which showed some sort of... rational thought. It was the strangest damn thing. This one girl in there who I know is fairly far right actually gave hers on why she disagrees with creationism, AND on how she agrees with the conclusions Charles Darwin made (GASP!). After I picked my jaw up off the floor, this other person gave a speech supporting vegetarianism, and explained how corporate meat packing is contributing to environmental destruction and climate change.

Holy shit.

I've done some studying of the former Soviet Union. I find it quite fascinating. Now, I don't really believe the USSR had it right all the way. I don't think their coercive tactics were justified. However they knew what to do with religion, I think. Contrary to popular belief, they did not force their citizens to be atheists. Their government merely discouraged religion, and kept society secular. This concept is something that I believe the U.S. should adopt. A secular government will be compassionate for its citizens, and its society will be advanced and prosperous.

It's fascinating to know that there was once a country in this world that was an atheist state, I think. Like I said, I disagree with their tactics of coercion. Stalin wasn't right to murder his own citizens like he did. There has NEVER been a perfect communism in this world, and there never will be. I despise capitalism, but human nature will not allow communism. I believe a strictly regulated capitalist government may be key. Maybe a tame socialism. The free market capitalism we have does not work, though.

We're seeing this system fail because of its own shortcomings right now. The remedy to this problem is only things such as government takeovers of corporations and collective advancement of our society (socialist concepts). It's just like World War II. FDR told the automotive companies that they were no longer building cars, but now airplanes and other war machinery. That is ultimately what saved us from the depression. Using a crisis to stimulate industry. This solved the crisis (the war) and pulled America out of the hole it found itself in.

But what sort of crisis do we face today, that industry could be used to help solve with government intervention? Some sort of crisis... maybe a global crisis... that industry could solve if the government told it what it was going to do.

Oh, yeah, climate change!

Perhaps if Obama told GM it was now going to innovate and build vehicles that run on little or no fuel, or if he told agrarian industry they were going to return to natural, organic farming methods (not this genetically modified shit), or if he told Exxon they were now going to invest in hydrogen fuel cell technology, or if he told energy companies they were now going to pour some funding into wind turbine and solar energy, or if he told engineering firms they were going to invest in carbon dioxide scrubbing technology... maybe then we could solve this global crisis and get our economy back on its feet.

But that would be SOCIALISM (ominous music)! Can't have that! Fuck no! Just listen to those (blatantly astroturfed) "tea parties". Capitalist ideals are what will save us (nevermind the fact that they're what got us here).

After doing some studying of the USSR, I've learned that communism probably isn't the key to saving our economy, but after looking at our own history, continuing recklessly down the road of capitalism isn't going to pull us out of the fire, either.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Capitalists continue to exploit, glorify breeding

I live in America. Here, I witness things that make the rest of the world laugh at us almost daily. You see that quite frequently in the American Bible belt, which to me is the representation of this nation's ills. It is where the slave trade began. It took almost a quarter of a millennium for that area to shake off segregation. People there seem to think that church and government are somehow hand in hand. How they see this, I don't know.

A family in Arkansas (big surprise) has given birth to eighteen children. You might have heard of them. The Duggar family. These people are members of a racist cult (The Quiverful Movement), an arm of the far religious right that indoctrinates its members to have a double-digit number of children to keep whites from being out-bred by Mexicans. Research it.

Now, you wouldn't expect a racist group of people (one that is breeding like rabbits with no regard for the environment) such as these individuals to be glorified by the media. You wouldn't expect the Ku Klux Klan to get their own reality show on the Discovery Channel would you? Well, in this country, which is run by companies, they are held to a high position on their very own reality Discovery Health series.

Of course, one should expect this in a country run by ruthless companies. Breeding feeds the capitalist machine. It creates more consumers and wage slaves. There is no regard for the environment, and there is no regard for the general welfare. This is the one commandment of capitalism: profit is good.

This Duggar brood pays no property taxes, since they live on church property. Money that they could be paying in taxes to help promote the general welfare (a really crazy concept in the U.S. Constitution) is pocketed so they can raise their brood.

The companies have the media firmly in their grip, so it should really come as no surprise to anyone that the media would glorify this sort of behavior.

Shit, have you noticed all of the new movies that have been coming out glorifying pregnancy (e.g. Juno, Knocked Up)? The media is attempting to saturate our culture in this propaganda that breeding is good. Breeding creates more consumption. Like George Carlin once said, "Consumption! That's the new national pastime. Fuck baseball! It's consumption!"

While I'm on the topic of reproductive and environmental irresponsibility, let's discuss Octo-Mom. This clearly incompetent, baby cannon bitch has successfully made her mother a nervous wreck with her fourteen children. Her dumbass fertility doctor could face probing from an ethics committee. (I hope they strip him of his license!) Guess what, there's a possibility there could be a reality show about her! Only in America, friends. Only in America.

The shitty thing is that she's complaining about not having enough money. Well, those fourteen children may have something to do with it! Put those kids up for adoption, you stupid bitch. Those tax dollars going to support your breeding lifestyle could prevent teen pregnancies with birth control!

I am embarrassed for my country today.

Duggars celebrate the birth of their grandchild:
Duggars announce pregnancy of one of their children

Behold the glorification of mindless, irresponsible breeding by corporate-controlled media:
18 Kids and Counting! stupidfest on Discovery Health

Octo-Mom could have her own reality show:
Lawyer says by the end of the week


Thursday, April 9, 2009

De-Converting Hardcore Theists is Impossible

Do I try to de-convert Christians, Jews, and other theists? No. I do not. That is impossible. I used to be that way, and no one could de-convert me. People have to do it on their own. That's how it works. While I do not try to de-convert theists, I do try to influence the "fence-sitters" or the people who are exploring life outside of religious dogma, but aren't quite "there". That is where I had been for months before I broke the chains of faith. Many de-converts lie in the gray phase for some time before fully awakening to the scam.

Ever debated a conspiracy theorist? You know, the folks who think that 9/11 was carried out with bombs, or the people who think the Federal Reserve was conceived by a handful of wealthy bankers, or the people who argue that climate change is a scam by highly educated and intelligent scientists? It's pretty much impossible, isn't it? Why is that? Because if you disagree with them, you're "in on it". That's the only reason you'd disagree with them, because you are IN on it. That, or you are under a hopeless influence by the people responsible.

It's the same way with theists. Any sort of logic or reason is "temptation from Satan" or something similar. It is therefore impossible to convince a theist that their beliefs are bullshit, because you are just under the influence of Satan, or demons, or whatever. How delightfully convenient that any sort of dissent is the work of some sort of evil being.

Of course this is logically unsound on their part, but in their minds, any dissent to their beliefs is "evil". With their own flawed logic, their beliefs are easily destroyed.

For example, there is a way to prove that you are God. That's right, you can prove that you are God, using their logic. Here is thunderf00t's method of proving that you are indeed God.

1) Telling a lie makes you a liar and stealing makes you a thief. That is said in the Bible.
2) Everything in the Bible is true.
3) The Bible says there are none good except God.
4) With the logic of assumption 1, a single act of good makes you good. If a single lie makes you a liar, why can't a single act of good make you good?
5) According to assumption 3, being good makes you God.
6) With a single act of good, you are God.

Sharia law in Saudi Britain

Sadly, I have to facepalm for my liberal allies across the Atlantic.

Britain, in its appeasement to Pisslam, is attempting to allow Sharia courts, which threaten women's and human rights. The Islam-run courts are a threat to secular, sane government in Britain, a concept being threatened by leftist Parliament members with little regard for basic human rights.

It would be the equivalent of establishing courts run by the Catholic church or any other church here in the United States. It goes against everything this nation stands for, one such thing is the concept of secular government. A secular government is a sane government.

Women would easily be intimidated to go to these pig den courts. Pisslamic society doesn't give a shit about women, much like how that tissue of lies called the Bible doesn't give a shit about them (the Bible reeks with the stench of sexism right from Genesis).

The comedic genius of Pat Condell.

BBC Article on this atrocity against human rights.